As many rejoiced over Bill O’Reilly’s exit from Fox News on Wednesday, there was one person who was upset about it.
Unfortunately for the former “O’Reilly Factor” host, that person was Stephen Colbert‘s conservative alter ego.
“Hello nation, shame on you. You failed Bill O’Reilly — you didn’t deserve this great man,” the right-wing character said on Wednesday’s “Late Show.”
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“All he ever did was have your back — and have a go at the front too,” he added, waggling his hands in a boob-grabbing motion.
“What? Suddenly sexual harassment is a crime? That’s the country we live in now, Obama’s Trump’s America,” conservative Colbert said.
“I guess I always knew this day would come, when I first saw Bill on TV I knew that nobody could sustain such a broad character for so long. So Bill, I invite you to come live in the mountain cabin with me and Jon Stewart.
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Colbert closed out with a cheeky quip, saying: “It’s fun, Jon and I have an animal sanctuary and we milk the goats, and soon I hope, we’ll be milking you.”
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O’Reilly was fired from Fox News on Wednesday when the company announced that he would not be returning to “The O’Reilly Factor” following a pre-scheduled company vacation.
“The Late Show” with Stephen Colbert airs on CBS at 11:35 p.m.
Fox Insiders 'Impressed and Proud' After Bill O'Reilly Banishment
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Why Bill O'Reilly Could Be Off TV for a Long, Long Time: 'I Don't Think Anybody Would Hire Him'